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Who We Are

Tyler Weseling
Finance Director

"Being an athlete, I grew up in a very mobile household with minimal family time. I wish I had spent more time getting closer with my family."

Noelle Saluan

Creative Director 

"I am a sophomore from Akron, Ohio. Being the oldest of two siblings who are heavily involved in sports, time spent together as a family can be far and few between. My passion is to re-create the need for family time."

"I am a freshman from Erie, Pennslvania with two younger brothers. Growing up my brothers and I had very busy schedules between sports and other activities and I wish my family spent more dinners together."

Isabel Mecca

Marketing Director 

Kathleen Wazevich

Founder, CEO 

"Being the oldest of five kids, I am a natural born leader.  I have worked in children's retail for almost three years, so I have gotten to know other young families outside of my own.  I am dedicated to reviving the family unit in this entrepreneurial endeavor."

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